Before becoming the essential Olympian god, Zeus survived his infancy largely thanks to his wet nurse, A goat that nourished him to shield him from his father, Cronus, who used to devour his children. This mythological miracle became known as Amalthea.
Filter Ritual • 40CAD • 200g
We do not pre-roast. A true coffee lover enjoys coffee as close to the roasting date.
Yellow Honey with anaerobic fermentation for 7 days.
Sensory profile
Tart acidity, cherry, strawberry, winey and caramel notes, silky body.
Café aroma de Marsella
El Girasol
Leonardo Diaz
The reality of coffee is a complex paradox. Coffee growers, who are closest to the bean, can barely cover production costs with the prices offered by large commercial conglomerates. The Société du Chivo was born to change this reality, ensuring that growers are paid the price their wisdom deserves.
Value of coffee on the NY Stock Exchange 2.55 US/Lb